The tarot card of Three of Swords










Present: Three of Swords

Your current situation according to Three of Swords

The Three of Swords in tarot symbolizes a profound sense of heartbreak and sorrow, signifying a period of intense emotional turmoil and distress. This card often represents the experience of facing deep emotional pain and disappointment in various aspects of life, leaving you feeling utterly heartbroken and overwhelmed. You may find yourself grappling with feelings of grief, sadness, and despair, struggling to cope with the heaviness of your emotions. It serves as a reminder that sometimes in life, we encounter situations that pierce our hearts and leave us shattered, testing our resilience and emotional strength. During this challenging time, it is essential to acknowledge and process your feelings, allowing yourself to grieve and heal from the wounds that have been inflicted upon your heart. Remember that while heartbreak and sorrow may be part of your present journey, they do not define your future, and with time and self-care, you can gradually mend the cracks in your heart and emerge stronger and more compassionate. Embrace this period of emotional growth and introspection, for it is through facing adversity that we often discover our innermost strength and capacity for healing.

What does Three of Swords  mean for your current love & relationship?

You find yourself entangled in various interpersonal conflicts or situations of betrayal that result in a myriad of intense emotional reactions, ranging from distress to despair. These discordant experiences not only challenge your sense of trust and loyalty but also induce profound turmoil within your innermost being, causing you to grapple with a complex array of feelings that may include sadness, anger, and even a sense of disillusionment. The inherent pain and anguish stemming from these betrayals or confrontations gradually weigh heavily on your mind and heart, leaving you feeling both emotionally drained and mentally exhausted as you navigate through the tumultuous aftermath of such challenging circumstances. Despite your best efforts to rationalize or make sense of the dissonance surrounding you, the persistent turmoil stemming from these conflicts persist, serving as a constant reminder of the fragile nature of human relationships and the inherent vulnerability that comes with it. Nonetheless, as you confront the stark reality of these emotional upheavals, you begin to slowly find a glimmer of resilience within yourself, a strength that enables you to persevere and eventually emerge from the depths of emotional turbulence with newfound wisdom and a deeper understanding of both yourself and the intricate dynamics of human interactions.

Implications on your fortune & career situation now from Three of Swords

At your workplace, you may find yourself grappling with challenging situations, such as conflicts arising between colleagues or feeling betrayed by someone you trusted. These complex dynamics can lead to heightened stress levels as you navigate through the intricacies of professional relationships. When faced with conflicts or betrayals in the work environment, it can create a disruptive and emotionally taxing atmosphere, impacting not only your productivity but also your overall well-being. The repercussions of such instances can be profound, causing a strain on your mental and emotional resilience as you strive to maintain a balance between addressing the issues at hand and preserving your own sense of dignity and self-worth. It’s essential to acknowledge the toll that these experiences can take on your mental health and seek constructive ways to manage the stress they bring. By recognizing the impact of conflicts and betrayals at work, you can empower yourself to proactively address these challenges, whether through open communication, seeking support from trusted allies, or taking steps to protect your boundaries. Remember that you are not alone in facing these difficulties, and by acknowledging and addressing them, you can foster a healthier and more sustainable work environment for yourself and those around you.

Other Three of Swords insights into your current position

In times of adversity, you find yourself grappling with challenging conflicts or heartbreaking betrayals that weigh heavily on your shoulders, leading to a tremendous amount of stress and emotional turmoil. These conflicts may arise from various sources such as personal relationships, professional dynamics, or unexpected situations, all contributing to a sense of unease and tension in your life. The path you have chosen seems to be fraught with obstacles that test your resilience and mental fortitude, making it essential to navigate these troubling waters with grace and composure. The betrayal you experience cuts deep, leaving wounds that may take time to heal, affecting not only your present but also casting shadows on your future interactions and trust in others. The burden of stress caused by these conflicts and betrayals can be overwhelming, impacting your overall well-being and sense of security in the world around you. It is crucial to find healthy coping mechanisms and support systems to help you weather this storm and emerge stronger on the other side, armed with resilience and newfound wisdom gained from overcoming such challenging experiences. Remember that you are not alone in facing these tribulations, and seeking guidance and companionship along the way can provide solace and a valuable perspective to navigate through the complexities of these hardships.

Future: Three of Cups

Insights into future from Three of Cups

The Three of Cups card is often interpreted as a symbol of joyous festivities and strong bonds of friendship. This card suggests that you will find yourself immersed in a social whirlwind, surrounded by loved ones and good company. Your interactions with others will be filled with laughter, merriment, and a deep sense of connection. This is a time to cherish the relationships that bring you happiness and fulfillment, as you come together with others to celebrate life’s successes and special moments. The energy of this card encourages you to embrace the spirit of camaraderie and togetherness, basking in the warmth of shared experiences and creating lasting memories with those who lift your spirits. So, as you navigate this period, keep your heart open to the joys of companionship and revel in the abundance of love and support that surrounds you. Embrace the sense of community that the Three of Cups represents, and allow yourself to truly appreciate the blessings of friendship and celebration in your life.

Three of Cups Indications about love & relationship in the future

In this beautiful journey of love and companionship, you will immerse yourself in a profound connection filled with delightful moments and unwavering support. Together, you will cherish not just the big accomplishments but also the small victories that symbolize your shared happiness and bond. This relationship will be a sanctuary where both of you can seek solace and find strength, standing side by side through life’s twists and turns. Envision the laughter, the heartfelt conversations, and the warm embraces that will define your partnership, creating a tapestry of memories that reflect the deep affection and mutual admiration you hold for one another. As you navigate the intricacies of life hand in hand, you will discover new layers to your relationship, deepening your understanding of each other and fostering a bond that grows stronger with every passing day. Together, you will forge a connection built on trust, communication, and love, blending your individual journeys into a shared narrative of mutual growth and unwavering support. So, embrace this journey with open hearts and open minds, knowing that in each other’s presence, you have found not just a partner but a lifelong companion who will celebrate your triumphs and lift you up in your challenges.

Future fortune & career insights from Three of Cups

You will have the opportunity to be an essential member of a close-knit, encouraging team that shares camaraderie and joy in recognizing and honoring accomplishments collectively. This dynamic environment will provide you with the chance to foster meaningful connections with your colleagues, sharing in the excitement of each other’s successes and creating a strong sense of unity and mutual support. Together, you will cultivate a positive and empowering atmosphere where everyone’s contributions are valued and acknowledged, fostering a sense of belonging and a genuine spirit of teamwork. By being part of this uplifting community, you will experience the satisfaction of not only your own victories but also the collective triumphs that showcase the collaborative spirit of the team, reinforcing bonds and creating lasting memories of shared successes. This supportive team environment will empower you to excel and thrive, surrounded by like-minded individuals who are dedicated to lifting each other up and celebrating every milestone, big or small, as a united and motivated team.

Other future implications with Three of Cups

You will undoubtedly find immense joy and unwavering support emanating from the heart of your community, enveloping you in a warm embrace of camaraderie and shared triumph as you come together to commemorate not just individual achievements but also the collective successes that bind you. The sense of togetherness and solidarity forged through mutual celebrations of milestones will create lasting memories that strengthen bonds, fostering a sense of belonging that uplifts spirits and amplifies the significance of each accomplishment, no matter how big or small. The shared experiences of joy and encouragement will not only uplift you in moments of personal triumph but also stand as a testament to the power of community, propelling you forward with a renewed sense of purpose and connection. With each milestone celebrated alongside your community, you will be reminded of the inherent beauty and support found in coming together as a collective force, weaving a tapestry of shared happiness and mutual growth that enriches your journey and deepens your relationships, creating a mosaic of cherished moments that become ingrained in the fabric of your shared experience.



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タロット、占い、瞑想のためのアロマ・キャンドル は、神聖な儀式を充実させるために考え抜かれたもので、深い内省と内なる自己とのつながりを育む静謐な雰囲気を提供します。どのような儀式でも タロット占い占いや瞑想に携わるとき、これらのキャンドルはあなたの体験を豊かにする完璧なパートナーです。










私たちの タロット、占い、瞑想のためのアロマ・キャンドル スピリチュアリティ、マインドフルネス、セルフケアを大切にする方への贈り物に最適です。誕生日、クリスマス、記念日、母の日、その他特別な日に、心のこもったプレゼントをお探しなら、このキャンドルはきっと喜ばれ、インスピレーションを与えてくれることでしょう。タロット占いや占い、瞑想を実践している方には、儀式を高め、スピリチュアルな成長をサポートするツールを提供する、特に意味のある贈り物となるでしょう。



あなたのスピリチュアルな旅をさらにサポートするために、アロマキャンドルを定期的にお届けする便利な定期ボックスをご用意しています。定期購入サービスでは、以下の中からお選びいただけます。 クォータリー 各ボックスに5%の割引が適用される。 毎月 10%割引でお届けします。このサブスクリプション・ボックスは、単に便利でお得というだけではありません。各ボックスは季節に合うように配慮されており、1年を通してつながりを保ち、地に足をつけた生活を送ることができます。また、定期購入者限定の香りやいち早く発売されるアロマもお楽しみいただけます。


私たちの タロット、占い、瞑想のためのアロマ・キャンドル スピリチュアルな旅をサポートし、幸福感を高めるためにデザインされたツールです。特定の儀式に使うにせよ、単に落ち着いた雰囲気を作るにせよ、これらのキャンドルはあなたがより深い安らぎとマインドフルネスの感覚を得るのを助けてくれるでしょう。よく練られ、考え抜かれたデザインのキャンドルが、あなたの人生にもたらす違いを体験してください。便利な定期購入ボックスをご利用になれば、一年を通してあなたのスピリチュアルな空間をリフレッシュし、インスピレーションを与えてくれるでしょう。



  • 適切な保管: キャンドルの香りを保つため、涼しく、風通しの良い、乾燥した場所に保管してください。過度の熱や直射日光に当てると、キャンドルの表面が溶けて香りが弱くなることがありますので、避けてください。キャンドルを正しく保管することで、キャンドルの香りを保ち、使用するたびに均一に燃焼させることができます。
  • キャンドルを灯す キャンドルに火をつける前に、芯を5~8mmの長さに切りそろえる。こうすることで、過剰な煙を防ぎ、きれいで均一な燃焼を保証します。キャンドルを初めて灯すときは、2~3時間燃焼させます。キャンドルには "燃焼記憶 "があるため、この最初の燃焼が重要です。最初の使用時に芯の周りのロウが完全に溶けていないと、ロウソクはトンネル状になり、芯の周りだけが燃えて全体の寿命が短くなります。
  • ロウソクの火を消す キャンドルの香りを保ち、破損を防ぐためには、きちんと火を消すことが大切です。黒煙が出たり、キャンドルの香りが変わってしまうことがあります。その代わりに、キャンドルバサミで炎を消すか、キャンドルフックを使って芯を溶けたロウに浸します。この方法は、芯を次に使うための下準備にもなります。容器が熱くなりすぎないよう、ロウの残りが1cm以下になったら、必ずキャンドルの燃焼を止めましょう。


  • 素材: 高品質金属錫、天然大豆ワックス
  • サイズ 6.1 x 4 cm
  • パッケージに含まれるもの 1 アロマキャンドル


  • 手作業による採寸のため、2-3%の誤差が生じる場合がございます。
  • ディスプレイの設定により、色が若干異なる場合があります。


























なんて美しい贈り物なんだろう。私はこの種のキャンドルの大ファンで、クリスマスのテーマが大好きです。とてもクオリティが高く、使い終わったらホルダーを再利用するつもりです。7月のクリスマスは早すぎることはありません🎄。 また注文させていただきます。





