The tarot card of The Lovers

Past: The Lovers

Indication for your past from The Lovers

When The Lovers card appears in a reading, it symbolizes a moment where choices and relationships hold great significance. This card suggests that you may be at a crossroads in your personal connections, requiring you to carefully evaluate your values and commitments. It invites you to explore the depth of your emotions and consider how your decisions impact those around you. This period of reflection may lead you to a better understanding of your own desires and priorities within your relationships. By weighing the options before you and acknowledging the complexities of your connections, you are presented with an opportunity for growth and emotional maturity. Embrace the chance to delve into the intricacies of your bonds with others and trust in your ability to navigate the decisions that lie ahead. Remember that a decision made from a place of authenticity and integrity is likely to lead to positive outcomes both for yourself and those you care about. Ultimately, The Lovers card encourages you to be mindful of the choices you make and the impact they have on the relationships that shape your life.

The Lovers insight abot love & relationship in the past

In the beautiful dance of your romantic relationship, you embarked on a journey of profound love and unity that transcended mere emotions and bonded your hearts in an unbreakable union. Every moment spent together was filled with a deep sense of connection and understanding, where you could feel the warmth of each other’s presence like rays of sunlight illuminating your souls. This love, so deep and genuine, acted as a guiding force, nurturing your bond and creating a sanctuary of trust and support. As you navigated the ups and downs of life hand in hand, you found solace in the knowledge that your love was a steadfast anchor, grounding you in times of uncertainty and lifting you up in moments of joy. Together, you built a sanctuary of togetherness where communication flowed effortlessly, laughter resonated freely, and shared dreams intertwined harmoniously. Your romantic relationship was a tapestry woven with threads of mutual respect, admiration, and profound affection, creating a bond that grew stronger with each passing day. In the gentle embrace of this deep love and union, you found a haven of peace and acceptance, where you could truly be yourselves and bask in the unconditional love that enveloped your beings.

Past fortune & career reading from The Lovers

During that time in your life, you found yourself faced with a series of crucial choices that had a significant impact on the direction your professional journey would take. These decisions not only influenced your immediate career prospects but also played a pivotal role in shaping the overall trajectory of your professional development. As you navigated through the complexities of these choices, you had to carefully weigh the potential benefits and risks associated with each option, considering how they would align with your long-term aspirations and goals. The responsibility of making such weighty decisions may have felt overwhelming at times, as you grappled with the uncertainty and stakes involved. Nonetheless, you approached this process with a blend of caution and optimism, knowing that the choices you made would have far-reaching consequences on your career path. Despite the challenges and pressures you faced, you displayed resilience and determination, demonstrating a strong sense of commitment to steering your career in a direction that resonated with your values and ambitions. This period of decision-making marked a significant chapter in your professional journey, one that tested your decision-making abilities and character, ultimately shaping the course of your future endeavors and successes.

Other implications with The Lovers as the past card

You were meticulously and consciously aligning each decision and behavior you made with the deeply ingrained core values and beliefs that are at the foundation of your character. By consistently reflecting on and integrating these guiding principles into your actions, you demonstrated a strong commitment to living in congruence with your authentic self. This commitment brought a sense of integrity and purpose to everything you did, fostering a deep sense of coherence and alignment between your thoughts, intentions, and actions. As you navigated through various circumstances and challenges, your unwavering dedication to upholding your core values served as a guiding light, providing you with clarity and strength to stay true to yourself and to the principles that resonate deeply within you. This dedication not only enhanced your own sense of self-worth and fulfillment but also inspired and influenced those around you, creating a positive ripple effect that extended to your relationships and interactions. Through this mindful and intentional practice of aligning your actions with your core values and beliefs, you were able to cultivate a life that is deeply rooted in authenticity, purpose, and meaning, shaping a path that reflects the true essence of who you are.

Present: Seven of Cups

Your current situation according to Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups card in tarot often symbolizes a significant moment in which you are presented with a plethora of choices and possibilities, some of which may be veiled by illusions or unclear motives. It signifies a time when you are confronted with a complex array of options, each holding its own allure and potential pitfalls, making it challenging to discern between what is real and what is merely a figment of your imagination. The card suggests that you are in a phase where you must navigate through a maze of tempting prospects and deceptive appearances, urging you to exercise caution and clarity in your decision-making process. This period may require you to carefully examine your desires, fears, and expectations in order to avoid being swayed by superficial attractions or false promises. By staying grounded and maintaining a sense of discernment, you can more effectively distinguish between the genuine opportunities that align with your true intentions and the alluring fantasies that may lead you astray. Embracing a mindful approach and cultivating a deeper understanding of yourself and your surroundings will enable you to make informed choices that resonate with your inner wisdom and propel you towards your authentic goals. The Seven of Cups serves as a reminder to stay vigilant, trust your intuition, and seek clarity amidst the sea of enticing but potentially misleading options before you.

What does Seven of Cups  mean for your current love & relationship?

As you navigate the realm of romantic potentials, it’s essential to strike a balance between exploring different scenarios and grounding yourself in practicality. While pondering the array of romantic options that lay before you, take a moment to weigh them against the backdrop of reality. It’s normal to ponder different possibilities when it comes to matters of the heart, but it’s imperative to keep your feet firmly planted in what is achievable and sustainable in the long run. By pondering various romantic avenues, you are opening up your heart to the potential joys and challenges that come with each option. However, it’s crucial to remember that building a strong foundation for any potential relationship requires a realistic approach. Be open to the excitement of exploring new connections, yet remember to consider how these possibilities align with your values and long-term goals. Embracing realism alongside your romantic ponderings can help guide you towards choices that have the greatest potential for lasting fulfillment. So, as you contemplate the romantic horizons ahead, keep in mind the importance of staying grounded in what is achievable and true to yourself.

Implications on your fortune & career situation now from Seven of Cups

As you explore different career options and potential opportunities, it’s crucial to direct your attention towards avenues that align with your skills, interests, and current circumstances. By evaluating these factors thoughtfully, you can identify realistic paths that have the potential to lead to meaningful and fulfilling professional journeys. This process requires a balance of ambition and practicality, ensuring that your career aspirations are not only inspiring but also attainable within the context of your unique situation. It’s important to consider your strengths, weaknesses, and personal priorities while navigating the labyrinth of career choices, as this self-awareness will guide you towards decisions that are both realistic and aligned with your long-term goals. Moreover, seeking guidance from mentors, career counselors, or industry professionals can provide valuable insights and help you make informed choices about your professional trajectory. Remember, the journey to finding the right career path involves a blend of self-reflection, research, and strategic planning, all geared towards achieving a successful and satisfying career outcome that resonates with your aspirations and capabilities. By focusing on what is realistic in the context of your individual circumstances and ambitions, you can pave the way for a career that not only matches your talents and passions but also offers you a sense of purpose and fulfillment in the long run.

Other Seven of Cups insights into your current position

While you explore multiple potential options and ideas, it is essential to channel your efforts towards the practical and achievable outcomes that align with your goals and resources. By evaluating the diverse array of possibilities before you, it is crucial to discern the viable paths that can be realistically pursued. In doing so, you are acknowledging the importance of honing in on the actionable steps and decisions that have the potential to yield tangible results and move you closer to your aspirations. Keep in mind that concentrating on what is feasible and within reach allows you to maximize your efforts and resources effectively, steering you towards success and fulfillment. Therefore, as you navigate through the myriad of choices available, it is imperative to prioritize and invest your time and energy in the most promising opportunities that offer a genuine chance for progress and growth. This approach not only fosters a sense of direction and purpose but also empowers you to make informed decisions that are grounded in realism and pragmatism, ultimately enhancing your ability to turn your visions into concrete achievements.

Future: Eight of Swords

Insights into future from Eight of Swords

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タロット、占い、瞑想のためのアロマ・キャンドル は、神聖な儀式を充実させるために考え抜かれたもので、深い内省と内なる自己とのつながりを育む静謐な雰囲気を提供します。どのような儀式でも タロット占い占いや瞑想に携わるとき、これらのキャンドルはあなたの体験を豊かにする完璧なパートナーです。










私たちの タロット、占い、瞑想のためのアロマ・キャンドル スピリチュアリティ、マインドフルネス、セルフケアを大切にする方への贈り物に最適です。誕生日、クリスマス、記念日、母の日、その他特別な日に、心のこもったプレゼントをお探しなら、このキャンドルはきっと喜ばれ、インスピレーションを与えてくれることでしょう。タロット占いや占い、瞑想を実践している方には、儀式を高め、スピリチュアルな成長をサポートするツールを提供する、特に意味のある贈り物となるでしょう。



あなたのスピリチュアルな旅をさらにサポートするために、アロマキャンドルを定期的にお届けする便利な定期ボックスをご用意しています。定期購入サービスでは、以下の中からお選びいただけます。 クォータリー 各ボックスに5%の割引が適用される。 毎月 10%割引でお届けします。このサブスクリプション・ボックスは、単に便利でお得というだけではありません。各ボックスは季節に合うように配慮されており、1年を通してつながりを保ち、地に足をつけた生活を送ることができます。また、定期購入者限定の香りやいち早く発売されるアロマもお楽しみいただけます。


私たちの タロット、占い、瞑想のためのアロマ・キャンドル スピリチュアルな旅をサポートし、幸福感を高めるためにデザインされたツールです。特定の儀式に使うにせよ、単に落ち着いた雰囲気を作るにせよ、これらのキャンドルはあなたがより深い安らぎとマインドフルネスの感覚を得るのを助けてくれるでしょう。よく練られ、考え抜かれたデザインのキャンドルが、あなたの人生にもたらす違いを体験してください。便利な定期購入ボックスをご利用になれば、一年を通してあなたのスピリチュアルな空間をリフレッシュし、インスピレーションを与えてくれるでしょう。



  • 適切な保管: キャンドルの香りを保つため、涼しく、風通しの良い、乾燥した場所に保管してください。過度の熱や直射日光に当てると、キャンドルの表面が溶けて香りが弱くなることがありますので、避けてください。キャンドルを正しく保管することで、キャンドルの香りを保ち、使用するたびに均一に燃焼させることができます。
  • キャンドルを灯す キャンドルに火をつける前に、芯を5~8mmの長さに切りそろえる。こうすることで、過剰な煙を防ぎ、きれいで均一な燃焼を保証します。キャンドルを初めて灯すときは、2~3時間燃焼させます。キャンドルには "燃焼記憶 "があるため、この最初の燃焼が重要です。最初の使用時に芯の周りのロウが完全に溶けていないと、ロウソクはトンネル状になり、芯の周りだけが燃えて全体の寿命が短くなります。
  • ロウソクの火を消す キャンドルの香りを保ち、破損を防ぐためには、きちんと火を消すことが大切です。黒煙が出たり、キャンドルの香りが変わってしまうことがあります。その代わりに、キャンドルバサミで炎を消すか、キャンドルフックを使って芯を溶けたロウに浸します。この方法は、芯を次に使うための下準備にもなります。容器が熱くなりすぎないよう、ロウの残りが1cm以下になったら、必ずキャンドルの燃焼を止めましょう。


  • 素材: 高品質金属錫、天然大豆ワックス
  • サイズ 6.1 x 4 cm
  • パッケージに含まれるもの 1 アロマキャンドル


  • 手作業による採寸のため、2-3%の誤差が生じる場合がございます。
  • ディスプレイの設定により、色が若干異なる場合があります。


























なんて美しい贈り物なんだろう。私はこの種のキャンドルの大ファンで、クリスマスのテーマが大好きです。とてもクオリティが高く、使い終わったらホルダーを再利用するつもりです。7月のクリスマスは早すぎることはありません🎄。 また注文させていただきます。





